Which Vegetable has the Most Protein?

List of Vegetables With Most Protein

There are a variety of vegetables that are high in protein. The most popular include sweet corn, which offers four grams of protein per large ear. It is not as rich in fiber and other nutrients, but it does contain antioxidants. Another vegetable that provides protein is mustard greens. These peppery leafy greens are often marketed as an old Southern favorite. They have 3.6 grams of protein per serving and also contain calcium, folic acid, and vitamin K.

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The nutritional benefits of watercress are countless. It can be eaten raw or added to salads, soups, or juices. It pairs well with many foods, including kiwifruit and pineapple. The plant also contains high levels of vitamin K, vitamin A, and folic acid. Its low calorie density means that you can eat a lot of it without feeling too full.

Fresh watercress grows in clean, cold springs and seeps and has a spicy, peppery flavor. It is available from April to September, when its leaves are still fresh. The flavor is mild and peppery, making it ideal for salads and juices. The watercress plant has a short shelf life, so be sure to wash and dry it thoroughly before consuming it.

Watercress contains high levels of vitamin C, which helps support the immune system, prevents cancer, and promotes collagen production. It contains abundant amounts of carotenoids, which are potent antioxidants that reduce oxidative stress, which is a major contributor to cell damage and chronic illness. Watercress is also low in calories, fat, sodium, and carbs. These are all important factors for maintaining optimal health.

The Centers for Disease Control ranks watercress among the top seven “powerhouse fruits and vegetables” based on the protein content. It has more beta carotene than an apple and is comparable to self-tanner in terms of improving skin tone. Watercress contains 75 percent of the recommended vitamin C daily allowance for adults, and is proven to accelerate fat-burning. These properties make watercress a great choice for those who want to add more antioxidants to their diets.


In terms of total protein content, edamame is a top contender, as one cup of shelled and boiled edamame has 18 grams of protein. It is also a complete protein, containing all nine essential amino acids. Although it is hard to find complete protein in plants, edamame does provide a good source of protein, which makes it a great choice for vegetarians and vegans.

It contains six hundred and seventy-five milligrams of potassium per cup, which is an essential mineral for the body. It is necessary for heartbeat regulation, proper nerve function, protein synthesis, and carbohydrate metabolization. However, some of these amino acids are produced by the body, and edamame contains all nine of them. So, if you want to enjoy its protein-packed benefits, you should consider eating this nutty-flavored veggie.

While edamame is considered a low-fat food, it does contain a significant amount of fat. This is primarily in the form of omega-6, but there is also a small amount of omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, these fats may reduce bad LDL cholesterol levels, which lowers the risk of heart disease. In addition to being a healthy choice, edamame can also be a great source of fiber.

Soybeans are among the vegetables that are the highest in protein. There are thousands of varieties of legumes, but edamame refers to the ones that are harvested green. They originated in China around 1100 B.C. and have since spread throughout Asia, Europe, and the U.S. Among their many uses, soybeans are used in adhesives, foam materials, and other products.

Soy beans

Soybeans are high in protein and fibre and have the highest concentration of any vegetable. Soybeans contain more calcium, magnesium, potassium, and iron than any other vegetable, but their main value is in their high concentration of isoflavones, which act like a weak form of estrogen. These compounds are beneficial for human health and are used to make soy-based protein foods.

Soy protein is isolated from the soybean. Soy protein can be made into three high-protein commercial products: soy flour, soy concentrates, and soy isolates. Soy protein isolates have a protein content of over 90 percent and improved digestibility. The isolation process also removes rigid cell walls and other antinutritional factors. It also increases the amount of amino acids that enter the digestive tract.

Soy beans have been used in Asian cuisine for thousands of years for their high protein content. The US Food and Drug Administration approved a health claim in 1999 that claimed soy reduced cholesterol and saturated fats. Since many Americans’ meals were already high in cholesterol, the argument was that eating soy would reduce the risk of heart disease and other diseases. But this health claim has since been debunked. For now, it is still worth eating soy in moderation to avoid cardiovascular disease.

Another benefit of soy is its anti-cancer properties. Soy is rich in plant compounds that prevent cancer and reduce bone loss. Soy products may even be helpful for women suffering from menopause symptoms. However, it is important to note that excessive consumption of soy products can result in a condition called hypothyroidism. This condition is usually caused by a hormone imbalance. Soy products are high in calcium and isoflavones. Soy-based protein products can be a great way to maintain bone health and prevent osteoporosis.


There are many vegetables that are high in protein, but few have as much as lentils. Lentils are an excellent source of protein, providing over 16 grams per cup. They are also packed with dietary fiber and micronutrients. You can buy lentils in a variety of forms, including dried or canned. Be sure to soak them first to extract as much protein as possible. This vegetable is often thought of as a side dish for meat.

The list of vegetables with the most protein contains peas, green beans, lentils, and a few others. Green peas are legumes, but many consider them vegetables. Green peas have a delicate flavor and bright green color. A cup of peas has eight grams of protein. Peas are easy to cook and add to just about any dish. Green beans are also high in protein and provide a great source of fiber.

The list of vegetables with the most protein includes cruciferous veggies, such as broccoli, which are also rich in protein. Broccoli is best eaten steamed to retain the highest amounts of water-soluble nutrients. Then, add a bit of sesame seeds and low-sodium soy sauce. Broccoli is also associated with lower rates of lung and breast cancer. For more information on the sources of protein, check out the Nutrition Facts website.


If you are looking for high-protein foods to include in your daily diet, you might be surprised to find that there are many plant-based options. Aside from nuts, beans and seeds, you can also find high-quality protein in dried mushrooms and soy products. The list also includes traditional vegetables like spinach, broccoli and avocado. Read on to learn more about these surprising sources of protein. We’ve outlined some of the most important options below.

Peas – Green peas are one of the most protein-packed vegetables you can eat. This versatile legume packs a significant amount of vitamins and nutrients. One cup of green peas has about 8 grams of protein and more than four grams of dietary fiber. Peas can be purchased fresh from farmer’s markets in late spring, but most people opt to purchase them frozen. Peas are easy to store and can be eaten with just about anything.

Other vegetables with high protein levels include green peas, which have about eight grams of protein per cup, and lima beans, which contain about 14 grams of protein per cup. Okra is another high-protein food. Its seeds can be white, green, or yellow. Artichokes are another excellent source of protein. And if you’re looking for a plant-based meal, try adding spinach to your salad or stir-fries.


Asparagus is high in protein and fiber and a great way to get your daily protein allowance. Its fiber and anti-inflammatory properties make it an excellent choice for a healthy snack or side dish. Asparagus is a popular spring crop in Tennessee and is easily available year round in both fresh and frozen form. Cooked asparagus contains two grams of protein per spear, while raw asparagus is nearly twice as high.

Asparagus is high in B vitamins, which are important for proper brain development and are linked to a lower risk of heart disease and other chronic diseases. It also contains glutathione, a powerful antioxidant with a host of health benefits, including reducing inflammation and maintaining liver health. In addition to its antioxidant and anti-aging properties, glutathione is an excellent detoxifier and may protect against cancer.

Although there are few plant-based sources of complete protein, many other vegetables contain sufficient amounts of protein relative to their calorie content. These plant-based proteins provide the nine essential amino acids. But they are incomplete sources of protein and do not contain all nine essential amino acids. To meet your daily protein needs, you need to combine several sources of protein, and eat a variety of whole foods.